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Who we are


Leader in the field of insurance management

Bespoke solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises in particular.

The company was founded in 2019 by Flavio Costantini, Thomas Tschirky and Roland Kunz as Soletum Insurance Broker AG, having split off from a predecessor organisation that our present CEO, Flavio Costantini, had built from the ground up as Managing Director. Because all of the staff followed us when the new company was formed, we were able to continue providing our services to existing clients and even develop our offer further.
Today, we employ eight proven experts in the field, each with many years of professional experience. Values such as professionalism, an advisory approach and high training standards have been retained and are constantly enhanced and refined.
We see thorough analysis of individual risk potential as an essential step ahead of the transfer of risk to suitable insurers. The resulting information is used to develop and implement cover concepts that are tailored to the individual needs of our clients. This allows us to guarantee insurance solutions that are both cost-effective and sustainable.
We have extensive knowledge of the insurance markets and the businesses operating in them – nationally and internationally. Our strategic partnership with the global brokerage company Brokerslink gives us direct access to the international insurance markets.
In our day-to-day management of contracts and claims, we make use of interconnected processes to work with our clients and thereby provide them with increased security while streamlining administrative processes.
We look forward to meeting you in person!



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Office hours

Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 17:00

Newsletter subscription

    Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 17:00

    Kluggasse 2, 8640 Rapperswil

    +41(0)55 511 18 20